Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 4/25/07

Amended and Approved on 6/6/07



Planning Board Attendees

Arnold Cohen – Vice Chair

Amanda Sloan – Clerk

Andy Schwartz

Paul Lauenstein



Susan Price

Sandra Jacob

Tom Houston


Laura Nelson



Peter O’Cain, Assistant Town Engineer, Consultant


Meeting Initiation

Vice Chair Arnold Cohen called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM.


Meeting Discussion

Chair’s Report


Public Hearing – Tree Removal

Public Hearing regarding the Tree Removal was introduced as Ms. Sloan read the notice for the public hearing as advertised within the Sharon Advocate. Mr. O’Cain sat in for tree warden Kevin Weber. He stated that certain trees have been identified with white marks to indicate which trees are rotting and decayed. The trees noted are all deemed public safety hazards as they are prone to losing large limbs.


Mr. Lauenstein moved to grant the requested tree removal and suggested trees should be replaced in the same location if appropriate but if not, in another location that the tree warden deems more appropriate. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-1 in favor.


General Discussion

A brief discussion ensued regarding the one million dollars that Brickstone said they would provide to build affordable housing. Mr. Cohen stated that if the Town accepts the Developers offer to give a certain sum of money, then the Developer has met the requirements of the proposed zoning bylaw. The money goes to the Sharon Housing Partnership. Mr. Lauenstein stated he was not confident that the one million dollars provided by the developer is sufficient. Mr. O’Cain suggested communication with Jane Desberg to discuss the monetary amounts.


Tom Houston provided an update on Brickstone that included reviewing the minimum requirements sheet. He also provided refinements regarding outdoor parking and pedestrian lighting and stated no changes need to be made to Article 1. All spaces in the garage are managed, that is valet service will be provided. He has not seen a parking lot layout.


Laura Nelson stated she did not think the parking counts were correct and questioned if there will be above ground parking for workers. Mr. Houston stated there were no surface spaces shown except for the nursing home. Mr. Cohen stated that Brickstone will need permits from the ZBA after site plan reviews and that the ZBA is familiar with the process. He also stated that the ZBA has the power to set the conditions. Mr. Houston stated that both the legal team and himself had reviewed the paragraph within the Article that provides for potential denial of the application. If the developer is outside the box and doesn’t conform to the bylaw, it can be denied.


Mr. Houston said he was satisfied with the language of the article. Mr. Cohen iterated that in his opinion the article is solid, covers a lot of ground and that key points are at the discretion of the ZBA. Mr. Houston said that 100% of the water is leaving the Neponset watershed. The developer agreed in principle to convey 250 acres to the Conservation Commission. Mr. Houston also said it is important to point out section 43.84 performance standards. It is well written so there is no waiver of performance standards. There is an absolute guarantee of what is expected. There are stringent environmental controls which are dictated by the DEP. The ZBA weighs in on the monitoring. Mr. Houston stated he has reviewed the articles thoroughly and there are standards set forth that the developer can not get out of.


Sandra Jacob stated she was concerned with the buildings’ height. Mr. Houston described how height is defined by the zoning code. A balloon test was performed on 4 quadrants – 2 of the 4 at high points.


Susan Price pointed out that on page 6 of the article the height of the accessory use buildings was not mentioned. Mr. Houston stated it was a point well taken and will ensure it is added in.


Mr. Cohen questioned as to whether people from other towns have the right to participate in a public hearing and Mr. Houston replied that they do.


Sandra Jacob asked if the water is going from one watershed into another and Mr. Houston replied from the Neponset to the Taunton watershed.


The Board discussed the rules of engagement for the public hearing to be held on 5/3/07. They determined it was appropriate to limit repetition. Mr. Cohen stated that the idea of the public hearing is to help the Board decide whether to recommend approval of the article to the Town Meeting. Ms. Sloan indicated that she wanted the meeting to take a more inclusive approach.


Meeting Minutes



The public hearing on the Brickstone proposal is scheduled for May 2nd. The May meeting will be May 16th.


Meeting Adjournment

Mr. Schwartz moved to adjourn meeting at 10:15 PM; Mr. Lauenstein seconded the motion; passed unanimously, 4-0-0.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts

Administrative Assistant